Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday- June 17

Today we spent quite a bit of time on Second Life. Although I enjoy playing around in Second Life, I am not sure it will help my students (4th graders). I really agreed with the Steve Hargadon when he said it has great potential, but it isn't there just yet.
Click on above image
to enter Club Penguin
a form of Second
Life for children

We also learned alot about NING today. I like how this forum forcuses more on the dialogue and conversation than on the product created. I think that this could definately help in my setting. 4th graders love to use social networking tools, but I wasn't quite sure how to implement this safely. I was glad to hear that I could make NING a private forum. I think that this will be a great tool for the children to use as they share their work and other fun things. I will just have to be very careful about how it is implemented and look into the legislation a little more closely.

After class, we went to Z's house and meet his family. He cooked us some brats and burgers and we had a very nice dinner while we visited with each other. Thanks for the dinner Dr. Z and family!


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